Don’t Be Afraid

In Matthew 28:1-10 we have the beautiful account of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Tomorrow all Christendom will hear this good news. Jesus tells the women who have come from the tomb “Do not be afraid…” (Matthew 28:10). That’s what the resurrection of Jesus means. We don’t have to be afraid! 

Now you may say, “I’m not afraid!” Good for you. What if you saw an angel from heaven? I bet you would be afraid. Not the sweet, fluffy angels in greeting cards; or the baby-faced angels of Sunday school Christmas pageants. I’m talking about REAL angels. That would be freighting. 

What else makes people afraid? The disciples were afraid because they thought they were next to be crucified. The disciples who said, “We will die with you Jesus!” surely sang a different tune when the threat of death was very real. They ran and hid. Death brings fear into the heart.      

After hearing the message of the angel the women “departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his (Jesus’) disciples” (Matthew 28:8). Jesus met them on the way and calmed their fears. He does the same for you. Jesus meets you on your way and says to you “Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid of angels from heaven. I’ve made peace with God for you. Don’t be afraid of death, I’ve conquered it for you! The hope of the resurrection is yours!” Jesus is risen and we don’t have to be afraid!


Lenten Journey

